
Conference registration is closed for the time being. It will re-open soon.

The fees for the conference are:

 (VAT included)

Mach 13, 2020
2 October, 2020

March 14, 2020
3 October, 2020



531 €

590 €


 Presenting authors 

315 €

350 €

for presenting authors (1 per communication)
or university staff

 Retired delegates

180 €

200 €



 153 €

170 €

(no banquet, no printed proceedings)

 Tutorial (3.5 hours) 

100 €

  more VAT 20%

Payment of the registration includes VAT, admission to all the sessions, one set of color printed and electronic proceedings (except for students), coffee breaks, Wednesday and Tuesday, conference banquet on Thursday evening (except for students) and tutorials notes if applicable. Accommodation has to be managed directly by the delegates (a suggested list of hotels will be provided).

A 100 € administrative fee will be levied against all cancelled registrations. No refund will be paid back for registrations cancelled after March 31, 2020 October, 23, 3020.

Please be aware that there is a limited number of seats for the tutorials.

For registration information, please contact the registration secretary:
Mrs. Patricia JARRY, R3ASC'20 Organization secretary
INSA SAIC, 135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Phone +33 (0)5 6155 9531, fax +33 (0)5 6155 9538
email patricia.jarry@insa-toulouse.fr

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