Objectives and scopeThe R3ASC‘20 conference will address the latest developments in aerospace actuation since 2018, when more than a hundred twenty worldwide industrialists, specialists and scientists attended the eighth R3ASC conference. All airframers, suppliers and research laboratories are continuously placing efforts in the field of aerospace actuation systems and components. New needs for UAVs and space launchers combined with new comers and restructuring into large industrial groups change the market rules and boost the demand for innovation, cost reduction and increase of performance. In-service more electric actuation provides accumulated feedback on real usage that is exploited for sizing and increases both confidence and acceptance. Interaction between physical domains is much better addressed through more integrated design processes, tools and software. New manufacturing means (e.g. Additive Layer Manufacturing) are matured into validated, mastered, stable and profitable processes. All combined enable new aerodynamics designs (e.g. thin wing) to be implemented and increase the attractiveness of electric actuation for wider domains of application (e.g. landing gears steering, or engines thrust reversers). These advances also benefit to conventional actuation that still shows potential margins of progress. Last but not least, more electrical actuation generates high demand for advanced mechanics, including lubrication, heat transfer, dynamics and load balancing. In order to offer the delegates the widest view on recent advances in actuation systems and components, authors are invited to submit scientific and technical communications dealing with:
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